京都工芸繊維大学 編入学過去問題より出題
大阪大学人間科学部 編入学過去問題より出題
\(\displaystyle\int\frac{\mathrm d x}{x^3+1}\)
京都工芸繊維大学 編入学過去問題より出題
京都大学法学部 編入学過去問題より出題
Quality of life is a ( A )concept than economic production and living standards. It includes the full range of factors that influences what we value in living, reaching beyond its material side. While some extensions of economic accounting allow including some of the elements that shape quality of life in conventional measures of economic well-being, every approach based on resources (or on people's command over commodities) remains limited in important ways. First, resources are means that are transformed into well-being in ways that differ across people: individuals with ( B )capacities for enjoyment or greater abilities for achievement in valuable domains of life may be ( C )off even if they command ( D )economic resources. Second, many resources are not marketed, and even when they are, prices will differ across individuals, making it problematic to compare real income across people. Finally, 【①many of the determinants of human well-being are aspects of people’s life-circumstances: they cannot be described as resources with imputable prices, even if people do make trade-offs among them. 】These arguments by themselves are sufficient to suggest that resources are an insufficient metric for quality of life. Which other metric should be used instead for assessing quality of life depends on the philosophical perspective taken.
問1(A)~(D) に入る最も適切な語を、下記から選びなさい。
more better longer broader
fewer greater shorter narrower
問2 【 ① 】を日本語に訳しなさい。
神戸大学 経済学部 編入学過去問題より抜粋