Human beings are social creatures―not occasionally or by accident but always. Sociability is one of our core capabilities, and it shows up in almost every aspect of our lives as both cause and effect. Society is not just the product of its individual members; it is also the product of its constituent groups.
The aggregate relations among individuals and groups, among individuals within groups, and among groups from a network of astonishing complexity.
九州大学経済学部 編入学試験過去問題より改変
戦後の高度成長期に多くの日本企業に取り入れられた、雇用にかかわる制度や慣行は、一般的に「日本的雇用システム」と呼ばれている。このシステムの主要な特徴は次の二点からなる。一つめは、長期安定的な雇用関係であり、( A )と呼ばれるものである。もう一つは、賃金体系が年齢や勤続年数とともに上昇する構造になっている( B )である。 これらの特徴からなる雇用システムはどのような経済合理性を持つのかを考えてみよう。 一般に、企業は労働者の能力開発のために教育や訓練をほどこすことによって、労働者が提供する労働の質や生産性を高めることができる。企業によって提供される労働者への教育や訓練は( C )と呼ばれる。労働者は( C )によって、生産活動を行うさまざまな能力を高めることができる。これらの能力のうち、勤務先の企業に特有の書類作成能力や、その企業にしかない特殊な機械の操作などといった、その企業で勤め続ける場合にのみ有用な能力を( D )という。
近畿大学経済学部 編入学試験過去問題より改変
In has frequently been discussed among the historians whether the rise of natural science after the sixteenth century was in any way a natural consequence of earlier trends in human thinking.
It may be argued that certain trends in Christian philosophy led to a very abstract concept of God, that they put God so far above the world that one began to consider the world without at the same time also seeing God in the world.
The Cartesian partition may be called a final step in this development.
同志社大学文学部哲学科 編入学試験過去問題より改変
My bones have been aching again, as they often do in humid weather.
They ache like history: things long done with, that still reverberate as pain.
When the ache is bad enough it keeps me from sleeping.
Every night I yearn for sleep, I strive for it; yet it flutters on ahead of me like a sooty curtain. There are sleeping pills, of course, but the doctor has warned me against them.
東京大学人文社会系研究科 大学院入試過去問題より抜粋
Such reviews highlighting the connections between spirituality and health have led to renewed interest within medical education in general.
While concepts of spirituality are complex and varied, certain themes and values which emphasize the search for meaning, ethical values and the interconnectedness of humankind and nature seem to be commonplace.
Spirituality may be defined as a way of being and experiencing that comes about through awareness of a transcendent dimension that is characterized by certain identifiable values in regard to self, others, nature, life and whatever one considers to be the ultimate.
神戸大学発達科学部 編入学過去問題より改変