A [人名]
B [キーワード]
ワッハーブ派 宗教的多元主義 宗教的包括主義 スンナ派 災異説 神道 歴史主義 構造主義
天理教 心即理 教会の外に救いなし 弁証法神学 十二イマーム派 金光教
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft Usually taken in tandem, these German terms generally refer to Ferdinand Tönnies’s ‘community’ and ‘society’ couplet, although the latter is sometimes also translated as ‘association’ (see Tönnies, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, 1887). According to Tönnies’s thesis on European modernization, the passage from the former to the latter proceeds through a rationalizing process, involving a move from relationships based upon family and guild to those based on rationality and calculation. Gemeinschaft was the world of close, emotional, face-to-face ties, attachment to place, ascribed social status, and a homogeneous and regulated community. Gesellschaft has come to be linked with urbanism, industrial life, mobility, heterogeneity, and impersonality. Much of the debate about the concept of community has been structured in these terms (see C. Bell and H. Newby, Community Studies, 1971).
京都大学大学院教育学研究科 入試問題より改変
Biomedical research is essential to the health and well-being of every person in our society.
Advances in biomedical research have dramatically improved the quality and prolonged the ( 1 ) of life throughout the world.
However, the ability of the scientific community to continue its efforts to improve personal and public health is being threatened by a movement to eliminate the use of ( 2 ) in biomedical research.
This movement is spearheaded by groups of radical animal rights.
大阪大学医学部医学科 編入学試験過去問題より抜粋
京都大学大学院教育学研究科 入試問題より改変